
Group Contact Phone Email Description
Winnipeg Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group
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Joseph Borsa 204-232-8354
Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month (except in September and December) at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg starting at 7pm. The first hour of our meeting is open discussion where members share information about their particular stage of involvement with prostate cancer. The second hour of our meeting includes doctors and other medical specialists who make presentations and take questions about various aspects of prostate cancer. All our meetings are free and open to the public.
Brandon Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group
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Don Patrick & Brian Paterson 204-727-0493 A group of men dealing with prostate cancer (past or present), along with our spouses, partners, families and friends meet on the third Thursday of each month at the Murray House (521 Frederick Street) starting at 1:30pm, to discuss and counsel each other all aspects of our disease - everybody is welcome.
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