Talking to Your Doctor (Patient/Caregiver Guides)

Resource Type
Treatment Decision-making for Early Prostate Cancer Patients – What Can Nurses Do
This review investigates the topic of treatment decision-making for early prostate cancer patients. The research question to be addressed is "What can oncology nurses do to support men with early prostate cancer in making treatment decisions?" - Published in 2014
Understanding Medical Decision-making in Prostate Cancer Care
The availability of several treatment options for prostate cancer creates a situation where patients may need to come to a shared decision with their health-care team regarding their care. Shared decision-making (SDM) is the concept of a patient and a health-care professional collaborating to make decisions about the patient’s treatment course. Nurse navigators (NNs) are health-care professionals often involved in the SDM process. The current project sought to evaluate the way in which patients with prostate cancer make decisions regarding their care and to determine patients’ perspectives of the role of the NN in the SDM process. - Published in 2018
10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor
PCCN Markham
Recently Diagnosed:10 questions to ask your doctor. What stage is my prostate cancer? Is it at an early stage, or is it more advanced and spread to other areas of my body (metastasized)? How did you make that conclusion? Ect.
Questions to ask
Canadian Cancer Society
It may be helpful to prepare a list of questions and take it to appointments. This resource provides helpful tips which may also help when meeting with the doctor and other members of the healthcare team:
Patient Guide
Prostate Cancer Foundation
This Guide focuses all of the information available about contemporary prostate cancer research, treatment, and lifestyle factors into one consolidated document.
Motivational Interviewing For Speaking With Your Doctor
BMJ Learning
Resource for Doctors and patients before appointments. This article provides tips on effectively using motivational interviewing to elicit behavioural change.
Fertility preservation for cancer patients
BC Cancer Agency
Talking to your doctor before treatment about your Fertility Preservation options will be a useful resource when beginning your cancer journey.
Questions to Ask about Diagnosis
Canadian Cancer Society
A proactive list of questions to ask your doctor about your cancer diagnosis
First Things to Know about Prostate Cancer
If I Were Tom
If you were just diagnosed with prostate cancer, this webpage has resources to help you respond with a list of questions to ask your doctor. This source provides videos from prostate cancer experts and survivors about what you need to know about your cancer and how to manage this change in your life.
Diagnosed With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer: Questions To Ask
Prostate Cancer Foundation
A list of questions you may want to ask your doctors at various stages of your prostate cancer journey -- from pre-diagnosis through treatment and post-treatment.
Update: My Journey into Advance Care Planning
First Nations Health Authority
Advance care planning if your health was to deteriorate as a member of the First Nations community. Compiled resources for First Nations living with Prostate Cancer
A Guide to Help Understand Cancer and Healing for Métis Cancer Patients
Metis Nation Saskatchewan
Métis cancer survivor experiences, a list of rights when obtaining care, support resources and more.
Return to Work for Cancer Survivors
BC Cancer Agency
Everything you need to know about returning to work after cancer treatment.
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