
Resource Type
Physiotherapy Intervention Following Treatment in Patients with Prostate Cancer
BlueWater Health
This PDF document from Bluewater Health details the benefits of physiotherapy for prostate cancer patients and provides a post-prostatectomy activity timeline. This document also includes contact information for local physiotherapy clinics and support groups.
Coping with Cancer and Managing Intimacy and Sexual Health
BC Cancer Agency
This handout discusses potential sexual side effects of cancer treatment and how to manage them. Note that this is not a prostate cancer-specific resource.
Sexual Intimacy and Cancer
Canadian Cancer Society
This booklet is for anyone trying to naviguate sex and intimacy after receiving a cancer diagnosis. It can also be useful to sexual partners of individuals dealing with cancer. *Published July 2018
Prostate Cancer Follow-Up Care
Care for people diagnosed with prostate cancer does not end when active treatment has finished. This resource explains what follow-up care is and why it is so important.
pcpep.org – Patient Education and Empowerment Programs for Prostate Cancer Patients
Prostate Cancer Patient Empowerment Program
PC_PEP is an online intervention available across Canada for prostate cancer patients and caregivers. It features exercise videos, stress reduction techniques, dietary support and regular group videoconferences with mentors.
Prostate cancer: 6 tips to improve sleep
Many people that have prostate cancer find it difficult to sleep. That is because not only can the treatment of the disease create anxiety and uncertainty in the person’s life, but these, in turn, can disrupt sleeping habits and create insomnia. In this article, PROCURE shares 6 tips to improve sleep for prostate cancer patients. *Published February 2017
Lifestyle Management
True North
TrueNTH Lifestyle Management offers exercise and nutrition programs for prostate cancer patients and survivors. Community-based programs, home programs, and information resources are available.
Diet, nutrition, physical activity and prostate cancer (revised 2018)
World Cancer Research Fund & American Institute for Cancer Research
This guide provides a summary of research studies looking at diet, nutrition, physical activity and prostate cancer.
Clean Intermittent Catheterization (Male)
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (University Health Network)
Information for patients on how to Clean Intermittent Catheterization
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