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2024 In-Person Prostate Cancer Patient & Caregiver Conference
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
The 2024 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference is a two-day in-person educational event for prostate cancer patients and caregivers. Join other patients and caregivers who will be attending from across the US and internationally. Renowned physicians from different specialties will be covering topics including every topic in prostate cancer. At the end of the conference, Drs. Mark Scholz and Mark Moyad host an extended Q+A session covering topics and questions that have been submitted by attendees.
September 7 - 8, 2024
Montreal Ride for Dad Group Ride
Ride for Dad
Created in 2008, the Montreal Chapter experienced difficult years in the beginning. Led by Daniel Séguin the results were unfortunately inconsistent. Daniel was able to persevere and attract dynamic, like-minded people to increase the number of participants and donations to the Montreal organization supporting research against prostate cancer. To date, the Montreal chapter has raised nearly $338,000.00 dollars for the fight against prostate cancer.
September 14, 2024
Golden Horseshoe Ride For Dad Group Ride
Ride for Dad
Established in 2005, the Golden Horseshoe Motorcycle Ride for Dad has raised over $600,000 dollars for the fight against prostate cancer. The proceeds from our annual events are invested in ground-breaking prostate cancer research and life-saving public awareness campaigns of the disease and the importance of early detection. Our chapter is a grassroots community partner with many local sponsors taking part in our chapter’s success. We are always looking for volunteers and we encourage you to get involved in the fight against prostate cancer!
September 15, 2024
Lecture: Discussion about Prostate Cancers – Hybrid
Hope & Cope
September is Prostate cancer awareness month. Please join us to meet John to discuss prostate cancer diagnostics, treatments and so much more. In-person at Hope & Cope Cancer Wellness Centre, or virtually.
September 19, 2024
“The Prostate Cancer Experience: Six Stories” – A Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Patient Forum
Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada
Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada invites you to an inspiring evening featuring five patients and a partner discussing their firsthand experience with the most common cancer in Canadian men. The tone will be upbeat and a celebration of their resilience through their respective journeys, including experiences with radiation, active surveillance, advanced prostate cancer, and the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Let this evening serve as a reminder that you don't have to face this journey alone.
September 23, 2024
Prostate Cancer Survivorship Experience: Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Focus Group Results
There are an ever increasing number of prostate cancer survivors. These patents are currently followed up in secondary care. Focus of care is on recurrence and acute management, not holistic care.
ProsCan for Men: Randomized controlled trial of a decision support intervention for men with localized prostate cancer
This paper presents the design of a randomised controlled trial of a decision support/psychosocial intervention for men newly diagnosed with localised prostate cancer.
Choosing Health, Choosing Treatment: Patient Choice After Diagnosis of Localized Prostate Cancer
Implementing patient choice in the domain localized prostate cancer is not going to be without difficulties. For example, medical expertise underlies the development of trust in patient-physician communication for men with cancer, which may mean that patients will still expect health professionals to use their medical expertise to decide upon the best course of action. - Published in 2009
Evaluation of a multidisciplinary allied health prostate cancer clinic
Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer, with increasingly longer survival, and many treatment options for advanced disease. Men with prostate cancer report a high level of unmet supportive care needs. To evaluate unmet needs of a small cohort of Australian men with advanced prostate cancer, and their partners, and to assess the impact of attendance at a multidisciplinary allied health clinic on meeting these needs. - Published in 2017
Aiming for a holistic integrated service for men diagnosed with prostate cancer – Definitions of standards and skill sets for nurses and allied healthcare professionals
Specialist nurses and allied healthcare professionals play a vital role alongside urologists and oncologists to provide care to men with prostate cancer and their families. -We present a set of standards and consensus recommendations for the roles and skill-set required for these practitioners to provide gold-standard prostate cancer care. -These recommendations could form the basis for development of comprehensive integrated prostate cancer pathways in prostate cancer centres as well as providing guidance for any units treating men with prostate cancer. - Published in 2016
The value of prostate cancer support groups: a pilot study of primary physicians’ perspectives
In Canada, prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common male cancer, and prostate cancer support groups (PCSGs) have prevailed for more than 20 years providing support to men with PCa and their families. While the format, focus and benefits of attending PCSGs have been reported little is known about primary physicians’ (PPs) perceptions of these groups. This article describes Canadian primary physicians’ views about face-to-face and web-based PCSGs. - Published in 2014
Prostate Cancer Survivors: Physical, Emotional and Practical Concerns from the LIVESTRONG survey
To determine whether a relationship exists between types of treatment received and/or survivorship status of prostate cancer survivors with physical, emotional, and practical concerns that they experience with the hypothesis that no such relationship exists. - Published in 2016
Analysis of findings from long-term study reveals more genetic mutations associated with aggressive prostate cancer
The Institute of Cancer Research
Scientists have added to the list of inherited genetic mutations known to increase the risk of more aggressive prostate cancer. This information could help with identifying prostate cancer patients who are more likely to experience rapid progression of the disease. - Published July 2nd 2024
Do men with prostate cancer and their partners receive the information they need for optimal illness self-management in the immediate post-diagnostic phase?
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australian men, and approximately 92% of the patients survive beyond 5 years.[1] While surviving cancer treatment, prostate cancer survivors may experience long-term treatment side effects (e.g., incontinence, sexual dysfunction) that challenge the patient’s sense of masculinity and identity,[2-4] impact upon life satisfaction, and reduce mental and social well-being.[5,6] - Published in 2015
Who decides about prostate cancer treatment? A qualitative study
Shared decision-making between patients and health professionals has been promoted as ethically and clinically desirable. Patients vary in their willingness to participate in decision-making, while clinicians identify practical barriers to greater participation, such as time and communication skills. A paternalistic approach to treatment decisions remains common even in an area of clinical uncertainty. - Published in 2003
Treatment decision-making process of men with newly diagnosed localized prostate cancer: the role of multidisciplinary approach in patient engagement
The diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) often represents a stressful event. In addition to the psychological distress related to the diagnosis, patients face challenging health decisions: in fact, besides radical treatments, Active Surveillance may represent an option for patients with diagnosis of localized PCa. A multidisciplinary clinical approach seems to represent the suitable organizational model to meet such a requirement, optimizing the therapeutic outcome for PCa patients. The present study is a qualitative examination of the treatment decision-making process of men with a newly diagnosed localized PCa who received a multidisciplinary clinical consultation. - Published in 2019
Satisfaction with Information Used to Choose Prostate Cancer Treatment
After being diagnosed with prostate cancer men must assimilate information regarding the cancer. Satisfaction with information reflects the evaluation of information sources used before treatment to select a therapy. We describe the use and helpfulness of several information sources available to prostate cancer survivors. We also identified factors associated with satisfaction with information. - Published in 2014
Treatment Decision-making for Early Prostate Cancer Patients – What Can Nurses Do
This review investigates the topic of treatment decision-making for early prostate cancer patients. The research question to be addressed is "What can oncology nurses do to support men with early prostate cancer in making treatment decisions?" - Published in 2014
Communication: The key to improving the prostate cancer patient experience
Communication is defined as “to make known, to exchange information or opinions” (Cayne, Lechner, et al., 1988). Nursing is the critical link for information exchange that is patient-centred and collaborative. The focus of this paper will highlight the development and implementation of nurse-led initiatives within our program to improve the prostate cancer patient experience. - Published in 2012
Understanding Medical Decision-making in Prostate Cancer Care
The availability of several treatment options for prostate cancer creates a situation where patients may need to come to a shared decision with their health-care team regarding their care. Shared decision-making (SDM) is the concept of a patient and a health-care professional collaborating to make decisions about the patient’s treatment course. Nurse navigators (NNs) are health-care professionals often involved in the SDM process. The current project sought to evaluate the way in which patients with prostate cancer make decisions regarding their care and to determine patients’ perspectives of the role of the NN in the SDM process. - Published in 2018
Communicating with prostate cancer patients: Psychosocial profile and determinants of seeking psychosocial care
Prostate cancer patients often express needs for supportive care, even though they are not frequently participating in supportive care activities. We studied the psychosocial care needs in relation with the intention seeking psychosocial care in order to improve the communication with the prostate cancer patients about the best fitting psychosocial care. - Published in 2015
Men with prostate cancer and the accessibility to information—a literature review
A literature survey was carried out to get an insight in possible consequences by summarizing the state of knowledge on how men with prostate cancer undergoing prostatectomy surgery experience their contacts with the healthcare professionals. Results: A consequence is that often men with prostate cancer, treated with prostatectomy surgery, do not receive the individualized support, information, and dialogue they need, which leads to feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, and loss of control. The men use the Internet in their search for information and support, which makes them able to stay in control and be active, responsible partners in their own course of treatment. - Published in 2011
The information required by patients with early-stage prostate cancer in choosing their treatment
To determine the information that men diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer think is necessary to choose their treatment (surgery, radiotherapy or `watchful waiting'). - Published in 2001
Treatment decision making in prostate cancer: Patients’ participation in complex decisions
(1) To explore to what degree prostate cancer (PC) patients felt they had participated in treatment decision making (TDM). (2) To determine whether perceived roles during TDM were associated with medical and sociodemographic variables. (3) To examine to what extent satisfaction with TDM was related to perceived role or medical and sociodemographic variables. - Published in 2006
Information for Decision Making by Patients With Early-Stage Prostate Cancer: A Comparison Across 9 Countries
To describe decisional roles of patients with early-stage prostate cancer in 9 countries and to compare the information they rated important for decision making (DM). - Published in 2011
Information needs of early-stage prostate cancer patients: A comparison of nine countries
Prostate cancer is the fifth most common cancer world-wide with large increases in its incidence in the last 25 years. With the advent of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening, in particular, the majority of the newly diagnosed cases have early-stage disease. Thus, ensuring that patients with early-stage prostate cancer feel informed would benefit a substantial and increasing proportion of men with cancer world-wide. - Published in 2010
Men with prostate cancer: influence of psychological factors on informational needs and decision making
Studies indicate that men with prostate cancer (MPC) adopt passive roles in cancer management; however, increasing public awareness of prostate cancer and advocacy by MPC and their allies suggest otherwise. This study looks at the information that is important to MPC; their preferred participation in decision making; and the influence of sociodemographic, disease, and psychological factors on information needs and decision preferences. - Published in 2000
Improving fitness may be linked to a 35% lower risk of prostate cancer, study finds
NBC News
Plenty of research has linked regular exercise to a lower risk of cancer, but a new study suggests that getting into better shape could reduce the risk of prostate cancer in particular, a diagnosis that around 113 out of every 100,000 men get every year in the U.S.
Prostaid Calgary Video Archive
Prostaid Calgary
Calgary Prostaid's video archive is an excellent resource for expert medical cancer research, various cultural healing practices, pyschological support, and support group conferences.
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