Hormone Therapy

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The Androgen Deprivation Therapy Educational Program
Life on ADT
Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) is an effective treatment for prostate cancer, but has many side effects. The ADT Educational Program is a free 1.5-hour session during which patients and loved ones will: Learn about the side effects of ADT, Learn how to manage side effects, and Complete goal setting exercises to teach you how to manage ADT side effects. The program is designed for both patients and their partners or loved ones. Patients who are not partnered are encouraged to invite a family member or close friend to attend the session.
Maintaining Cognitive Function
mirage news
ADT is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline, a side effect not often discussed. Fortunately, there are strategies that you can use to maintain and regain cognitive function following ADT therapy. Read this article for practices you can implement to support your brain health.
Building Strong Bones After ADT
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (University Health Network)
This pamphlet explains: • How androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) affects your bones • What puts your bones at risk for fracture • How to strengthen your bones • What you can do to prevent osteoporosis
GnRH (Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone) agonists vs antagonists in prostate cancer: How to choose
Urology Times
While similar, GnRH agonists and antagonists have different bodily targets that influence their effects on prostate cancer. This article explains the difference in function between these two classes of drugs, how and when one is used over the other, and the pros and cons of each.
What to expect from Lupron treatment
Medical News Today
LHRH agonists are a common hormone therapy drug prescribed for the treatment of prostate cancer. This article provides a detailed overview of how this drug works, what the typical treatment course looks like and answers some of the common questions regarding this treatment.
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer
Nova Scotia Health
The growth of prostate cancer cells depends on testosterone. Hormone therapy works by lowering the testosterone in your body. When the testosterone is removed from the cancer cells, they will either die or slow down and stop growing. Hormone therapy alone is not a cure for prostate cancer.
Hormone therapy
This resource provides you with general information on Hormone therapy, types of hormone therapies, pros and cons, medical follow-up, side effects, suggestions and advice.
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